Hope Arabic Church

11889619_10155956003740331_1991087171377862071_n We started our ministry by knocking the doors of Arabs 2013,  we saw people responding to message of Salvation through Hope for Arabs’ outreach.

Hope for Arabs in the greater Detroit area is effectively reaching into the nation’s largest populations of Middle Eastern Arabic speakers.

After the outreach people who reacted to message, they joined our small group at homes, we helped them to grow in their faith with Christ.

hope for Arabs connected with local churches to use their facility for to host events there.

10714862_10204942456590636_150321056_nHope for Arabs partnering with heritage church launched Hope Arabic Church November 2014, they launched hope church with 27 people were at the first service, Nov 2015 they celebrated the 1st anniversary with 125 people.

God has given hope church the keys to reaching Muslims, a religious group many consider very difficult to earn the trust of. HC finds that respect for Muslim people and their beliefs can open the door to a conversation about where they stand spiritually, and can help find common ground between Islam and Christianity.

For instance, according to hope church, Muslims hold Jesus in high regard, as the holiest of all of God prophets. They believe he was born of a virgin, performed miracles, died, was raised from the dead and will return to judge the world. The Quran—Islam’s scripture—speaks of Jesus over 100 times and even calls Him “the Word of God.” It tells Muslims to learn the Law of Moses, the teachings of David, and the Gospels. It calls Christians and Jews “People of the Book.” Most Muslims have a great interest in learning about Jesus, but have been taught to distrust the Christian narrative. Too often, Christians want to start off arguing about the theological differences between Christianity and Islam and argue about words before they genuinely introduce “the Word” to their Muslim friends. So, it isn’t theological arguments or intellectual persuasion that is turning the tide for the Muslims that HC is reaching. Avdal hope church pastor is showing Jesus to his Muslim friends before he tries to argue about Jesus. This approach is bearing much fruit.

While demonstrating the love of Jesus in practical ways, HC is also using the media. In Aug. 2015   hope church the 2ed annual evangelism event hosted a three-night, 2000 people showed up, beaming it around the world on an Arabic-speaking satellite TV station and across the internet. “Our prayer was that a hundred people or more would accept Christ as Savior,” says Avdal